our process



We take instructions either in person from our office or over the phone.



We give legal advice and what the best course of action is moving forward or draft any relevant documents.



We then finalise your matter!

Our rates - Leasing

Commercial Lease - Non-Retail

1-2 day turn around | $500.00 + GST

Commercial Lease - Retail

1-2 day turn around | $700.00 + GST

Transfer of Lease

1-2 day turn around | $600.00 + GST

Notice of Default

Surrender of Lease

1-2 day turn around | $400.00 + GST

1-2 day turn around | $500.00 + GST

Renewal of Non-Retail Lease

1-2 day turn around | $500.00 + GST

Renewal of Retail Lease

1-2 day turn around | $600.00 + GST

Our rates


1-2 week turn around

Powers of Attorney/s

1-2 week turn around

Sale/Purchase of businesses

To Settlement | $2,000.00 + GST


Why are wills importnant?

A will is a legal document which sets out who will receive your property and possessions when you die. When you have a valid will, you give yourself the best chance of making sure your assets go where you want them to.

What are POwer of attorney documents?

Powers of attorney are legal documents that allow you to choose who will make decisions about financial and personal matters if you are not able to make these decisions yourself.

How long does it take to get a will and power of attorney documents?

From the initial appointment till executing the documents the whole process generally takes between 1-2 weeks.

"Amy and the team at Farag & Co Lawyers are so professional but more than that, they understand how stressful the law can be if you're suddenly faced with a bad situation. They made the process so much easier and honestly, I don't know how I would have managed without them. I highly recommended them for getting the best result possible. They did that for me!"

— Jacquie

Let us help you.